Different Types Of Vitamins And Their Supplements

A series of reports on human activities in the fields of health,

So these vitamins, including A, C, E, K, D, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and others like them, which we will talk about one by one, their benefits , their problems and places to find them. Vitamin A: Its benefits, side effects and where to find it

The official name of Vitamin A is known as Retinol and it is found naturally in animals, and the human body contains large amounts of this Vitamin.

Usually, this vitamin is not soluble in water, but it is soluble in water, and it is one of the vitamins that the human body can make using the compounds called Beta and Caretone, which are mostly found in all green vegetables that have a lot of color. green and yellow.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is the basis for the growth of bones, teeth and the general safety of the human body, it strengthens the body's defense against diseases, giving the person vitality and preventing premature aging.

The Problem of Vitamin A Deficiency

Lack of it causes a person to have nightmares but can't see at night and it is the first symptom of vitamin A deficiency, it also damages the eyeball and vision and then causes poor appetite and food intolerance.

When Vitamin A is low in the body, the hair falls out on the head and usually accumulates on the thighs and knees.

Sources of Vitamin A

Rich milk and its derivatives, liver, yellow and green vegetables and the white part of the egg are among the most common foods.

Vitamin B: Its benefits, its side effects, its components and where to find them

Vitamin B compelex is described as a single vitamin, although medical experts have recently said that it is made up of eight components that work together. The places where these vitamins are indicated to be found together is the Liver, and if they are separated, it can be found that they relate to each other individually, and medically, each one is called by its own name.

Vitamin B1: Where to find it, its benefits, problems and how it works:

Medically, Vitamin B1 is known as Thiamine, and it is very important to play an important role in all the activities in the body, such as helping the movement of muscles and the production of hydrochloric acid, which contributes to the digestion of the body.

Benefits of Vitamin B1:

Vitamin B1 is one of those that dissolve in water, so the body does not store it and mostly it goes with the urine, which causes it to be given to the body regularly through the use of foods that contain it.

If a small amount of Vitamin B1 is stored in the body, it will last for weeks. People who need it the most are children compared to adults, although pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding also need large amounts of this vitamin.

Complications of Vitamin B1 deficiency:

Without it, it causes many problems in the nervous system, muscles, stomach and intestines, and children stop growing and their bodies end up with less energy and resistance.

Sources of Vitamin B1

It is found in all fruits, liver, eggs and some different vegetables, and medical scholars have indicated that it does not harm the fire.

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